Pix: fae/they

To Do:

Trying this out, hopefully the theme keeps me from taking it seriously.



Today was Yom Kippur. I took the day off work but I don't have tickets to my synagogue's High Holy Days service, so I spent the day at home. It's not safe for me to fast so I didn't and I am trying to still feel the weight of this day. Even without my community and the structure of a service. It's hard.


I did end up baking those round challah and I am so very proud of them. One loaf I just tore hunks out of and ate with hot chocolate. The other has been sliced up and was even used for some delicious challah french toast by my partner. It was really fun to make and I think they turned out well for my first time making challah! I used this recipe and I will probably do this again for next Shabbat (loaf shaped instead of round of course).

i also ran my first session of D&D on Friday! Updating my page for the campaign currently. I'm debating what if I want to include plans behind some spoiler detail things like "players don't look" or if the temptation would be too much for them.


I would be at work today but! It is Rosh Hashanah (Shana Tova to those celebrating) and I took two days off of work. I also forgot to buy High Holy Day tickets from my synagogue so this year I am celebrating at home with little fanfare. I believe in starting the year as you mean to go on, so my day is going to consist of doing things I love and eating sweet treats (in addition to reflecting on my year and possibly attempting to bake a round challah).


Finally made one of these! Maybe I'll finally organize my scattered interests. If not, at least it will be fun to play with while my interest lasts.
